
Focusing components or HTML elements is an integral part of any application. The main reason for focusing a component is to guide the user to a specific part of the application that requires user input.

HTML Elements

You can focus any HTML elements in Elm-UI with the Ui.Native.Dom.focusSelector function, which takes a noop message and an arbitrary CSS selector and returns a command.

focus : Cmd Msg
focus =
  Ui.Native.Dom.focusSelector NoOp "input#first-name"

The command when executed will try to find the element and will call focus() on it.


You can focus any rendered Ui.* component with the Ui.Native.Dom.focusComponent function, which takes a noop message and an arbitrary component { component | uid : String } and returns a command.

focus : Model -> Cmd Msg
focus model =
  Ui.Native.Dom.focusComponent NoOp model.textarea

The command when executed will try to find the component with the attribute uid and will call focus() on it.


There is a 30 milliseconds ~ 2 frames delay to make sure the element / component is available in the DOM after an Elm update.

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