Adding Components

Components are added with the traditional The Elm Architecture way with some modifications:

  • Add a field to the model for the components Model
  • Initialize the component with the init function
  • Create a tag for its messages (Msg)
  • Wire in the component in the update function
  • Wire in subscriptions if necessary by using the subscriptions function
  • Add the component to the view using the view or render functions


We will be expanding the created application to set the counters value with a Ui.NumberRange component.

We start by importing the component we want to use:

import Ui.NumberRange

Then we add a numberRange field to the model and the record to the init function:

type alias Model =
  { app : Ui.App.Model
  , numberRange : Ui.NumberRange.Model
  , counter : Int

init : Model
init =
  { app = Ui.App.init "Elm-UI Project"
  , numberRange = Ui.NumberRange.init 0
  , counter = 0

Then we add a new tag for the messages:

type Msg
  = App Ui.App.Msg
  | NumberRange Ui.NumberRange.Msg
  | Increment
  | Decrement

Then we need to make sure that the component is updated

update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
  NumberRange subMsg ->
      (numberRange, cmd) = Ui.NumberRange.update subMsg model.numberRange
      ({ model | numberRange = numberRange }, NumberRange cmd)

Now we can add its view below the buttons:

view : Model -> Html.Html Msg
view model =
        , Ui.Button.primary "Increment" Increment
        , NumberRange (Ui.NumberRange.view model.numberRange)

Right now we are be seeing something like this:

Adding Components

But the number range component doesn't seem work right, it's value cannot be changed by dragging.That is because some components like this one need subscriptions (for mouse and such) and it needs to be wired in to our application.

To do that we need to add the following line:

main =
    { init = ( init, Cmd.none )
    , view = view
    , update = update
    , subscriptions = \model -> NumberRange (Ui.NumberRange.subscriptions model.numberRange)

And now our new component works as expected.

In the next part we will see how can we react to the changes of this component.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""