Reacting to Changes

Continuing the previous example we will make it so that changing the number range component will change the counter and vice versa.

Updating the counter

Most cases we want to react (get a message) to the changes in a component, the official way would be to modify the update function to something like this:

NumberRange subMsg ->
    (numberRange, cmd) = 
      Ui.NumberRange.update subMsg model.numberRange

    updatedCommand = NumberRange cmd

    updatedModel = 
      { model | numberRange = numberRange }
    if numberRange.value /= model.numberRange.value then
      ({ updatedModel | counter = round numberRange.value }, updatedCommand)
      (updatedModel, updatedCommand)

After a while this pattern becomes hard to maintain and to generally hard to manage.

In Elm-UI however the components emit changes in the value and we can subscribe to those changes.

In order to receive these messages we need a tag:

type Msg
  | SetCounter Int

The next thing is to subscribe to the changes:

, subscriptions = \model ->
  Sub.batch [ NumberRange (Ui.NumberRange.subscriptions model.numberRange)
            , Ui.NumberRange.subscribe (SetCounter << round) model.numberRange

And the last thing is to handle the new tag in the update:

SetCounter value ->
  ({ model | counter = value }, Cmd.none)

This way is nicer for many reasons:

  • The update part of the component doesn't change
  • The tag to update the counter is generic and can be reused
  • Subscriptions can be removed when not needed

Updating the component

Right now the Increment and Decrement tags are updating the counter and not our number range component, so we need to extract and modify the logic into a standalone function:

updateCounter : Int -> Model -> Model
updateCounter value model =
  { model
  | counter = value
  , numberRange = Ui.NumberRange.setValue (toFloat value) model.numberRange

This function updates the counter and the number range with the same value.

We need to use this in our update function:

Increment ->
  (updateCounter (model.counter + 1) model, Cmd.none )

Decrement ->
  (updateCounter (model.counter + 1) model, Cmd.none )

So now whatever we do the counter and the number range component are in sync.

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    No results matching ""